This year’s annual Hunters Supper at the Phelps Congregational Church in Phelps had a record-breaking number of children and adults attend. One hundred twenty-five people enjoyed the fellowship and …
Mark Naniot and his assistant McKenna Brocco of Wild Instincts, a wildlife rehab organization located in Rhinelander, were invited by teacher Pam Klessig to give a program at Phelps Elementary …
The Phelps Fire Department recently received a new Pierce pumper-tanker fire engine, which is currently in service at the Phelps Fire Station North. According to Chief Norm Mesun, the engine …
A recent Phelps special town meeting of the electors was held to resolve several open issues prior to 2024. During the meeting, a motion was passed to approve the total town tax levy for …
Individuals have the opportunity to have breakfast with Santa at the Great Escape Bar and Grill Saturday, Nov. 25, from 8 to 11 a.m. The breakfast includes scrambled eggs, sausages, pancakes, hash …
Individuals have the opportunity to have breakfast with Santa at the Great Escape Bar and Grill Saturday, Nov. 25, from 8 to 11 a.m. The breakfast includes scrambled eggs, sausages, pancakes, hash …
The Phelps Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) will hold its annual hunter’s supper Saturday, Nov. 18, from 5 to 7 p.m. to mark the opening of deer hunting season. The event is a …
Over 100 children and adults participated in various trick-or-treating events held Oct. 28, with many households and businesses throughout town offering candy. After trick or treating, youths were …
All visiting and local hunters, and local area community members are welcome to attend the traditional hunter’s supper scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 18, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Phelps Congregational …
At the recent Phelps-Land O' Lakes Lions Club meeting, Lions Club District Governor Don Meeder installs new member Jeff Gross of Land O' Lakes. At the installation were, from left, Meeder, Gross and …
The Phelps Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors hosted its annual meeting at Phelps Hillside Restaurant last week, where area business owners gathered with fellow chamber members to celebrate the …
The Phelps Woman’s Club recently toured the Phelps Historical Museum, with several members of the group participating in the event.
The town of Phelps’ trick or treat time is scheduled from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28. A map has been created of community members and businesses that will be handing out treats from their …
The Phelps Chamber of Commerce recently announced Brian Fons of East Troy as the winner of the 43rd annual Midwest Musky Classic, held Oct. 6-8. Fons caught a 46.5-inch muskie on Big Sand Lake on …
The Phelps Booster Club, Youth Recreation Association, and Phelps PPA will be creating a trick or treat map for individuals interested in trick-or-treating in the Phelps-area this Halloween. The …
An animal shelter fundraiser event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 14, from 3 to 7 p.m. at Brule River Tap and Supper Club in Nelma. Monies collected will be divided between Wild Instincts in …
The Phelps Booster Club, Youth Recreation Association, and Phelps PPA will be creating a trick or treat map for individuals interested in trick or treating in the Phelps area this Halloween. The …
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post Commander Chris Cinchy presented a check for $500 to members of the Phelps/Land O’ Lakes Lions Club on Sept. 26. The funds were raised by the volunteers of the …
Approximately 5,000 individuals attended the 14th annual Scarecrow Fest held Sept. 16 in the downtown area of Phelps. All proceeds from the event will stay within the Phelps community. “We had a …
Land O’ Lakes Arts (LOLA) recently announced that the organization has been awarded a Creation and Presentation Program (CPP) grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board. Grants given by the CPP provide …