Sunday, January 19, 2025

DNR to host virtual public hearing on proposed deer management unit rule


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 5 p.m. to provide members of the public a formal comment opportunity on the draft rule that would change portions of the state’s deer management unit boundaries.
The DNR reviews deer management unit boundaries every few years, with this year’s review focusing on the management units in the Northern Forest Zone, the Metropolitan Sub-Units, and the boundary lines between the Central Forest and Farmland Zones.
Additionally, the DNR may consider options to adjust the geographical areas represented by deer advisory councils in the Northern Forest Zone to better align with adjusted unit boundaries.

Proposed changes

The draft rule includes a return to habitat-based deer management units in the Northern Forest Zone and an adjustment to a portion of the Central Forest Deer Management Zone boundary and select Metropolitan Sub-Unit boundaries.
Additionally, the draft rule will allow consideration for the public feedback received to adjust the geographical areas represented by deer advisory councils in the Northern Forest Zone to better align with adjusted unit boundaries.
The public is encouraged to visit the DNR’s Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules webpage at (under the Wildlife Management section) for a link to the draft rule and details on the public hearing. Submit comments by Friday, Jan. 10 to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
C/O Scott Karel, DNR Policy and Regulations Specialist
P.O. Box 7921
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI 53707
Visit the DNR’s Deer Management webpage at to learn more about the deer management unit review process and to view a recording of the recent virtual open house on the topic. The recording includes an explanation of the proposed changes and an ensuing question-and-answer session with the public.

Event details

What: Public hearing on a permanent rule related to white-tailed deer management unit boundaries (virtual).
When: Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, 5 p.m.
Where: Virtual: Join this meeting via Microsoft Teams More information about the upcoming public meeting, along with a link to the Microsoft Teams meeting room, is available on the DNR’s Meetings and Hearings calendar at


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