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Northwoods Share celebrates 20 years of free community dinners


Northwoods Share (NWS), a nonprofit service organization based in Eagle River, is celebrating 20 years of providing free dinners to the local community.

Pam Zaugg, NWS board member and chairperson of the committee that provides the free community dinners, said that she was inspired to start these dinners back in 2005 when she was working as the Vilas Food Pantry Director.

She noticed that those visiting the pantry needed a place to keep warm during the winter months as they waited their turns for food distribution, and asked the Kalmar Community Center for help.

“When the weather turned cold, I approached the Kalmar Center. They were closed at the time of our Tuesday afternoon distribution, so I asked if it would be okay if our guests used their facility to stay warm while waiting their turns,” she said. “This led to asking if it would be possible for us to offer a dinner for these folks to share after they received their food from the pantry.”

The goal of these dinners, from when they first started to now, has been to provide both a warm meal and a safe place for pantry recipients and community members alike, which, Zaugg explained, led to further community involvement and requests to share short devotionals and prayers before meals.
“In the beginning, these dinners were for pantry recipients, but that soon expanded to welcoming anyone from the greater Eagle River area,” Zaugg said.

“They have become a fantastic connection with all different financial groups, and are a means to cross those lines, for everyone comes to share their lives as they enjoy a meal together.”

Since then, dinners have moved from the Kalmar Center to the Lincoln town hall, and are now hosted at the Rock Mission Center at 1019 E. Wall St. in Eagle River.

Food distribution hours at the Vilas Food Pantry, located at 1013 N. Railroad St., are Wednesdays 8:30 - 11 a.m. and the first and third Thursdays of each month from 3 - 5 p.m.

More information about the pantry can be found by visiting

About Northwoods Share

Northwoods Share was one of the products of these community dinners, according to Zaugg, as the dinners became more involved in helping beyond providing a warm meal.

“I simply asked different churches and community groups to provide food, and Kalmar provided the place. We kept it very simple,” she explained. “Folks mix with the sponsoring church/business, the catering business and guests, for we are all neighbors sharing a common life and having common interests to share with each other. Eagle River provides a dinner where anyone is welcome and this makes a stronger community.”

As time went on, speakers from local groups and organizations, including from what was then known as the Vilas County Social Services Department, were invited to provide information on local resources to those attending these dinners who may have been in need.

There are a variety of local businesses, restaurants and churches that have been sponsoring these dinners, some of which are open to catering the dinner themselves.

“I go to a variety of churches and businesses that have shown they are interested in supporting our community,” Zaugg said. “If the sponsor can do the cooking, that works great! However, if they know someone who wants to do it, that is up to them.”

Neither NWS nor Zaugg receive any profit from these dinners, though there are opportunities to leave gifts of free will to those who are interested.

“We have a place where folks can give a free-will offering so that no one feels like they are taking advantage of a free meal if they’re able to pay,” Zaugg said.

Donations received from these offerings are used for paper products, appetizers, beverages and whatever else sponsors may not provide for meals.

Those interested in being involved with NWS or the free community dinners can stop by the Needs Ministry, which is open every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at 119 E. Wall St. in Eagle River. More information can also be found on their website at

“Again and again, I hear folks thanking NWS for the opportunity to provide a place folks can gather and share a meal together. We encourage everyone to find a seat at a table where they can meet new folks!,” Zaugg said. “We hope to mix folks of varying economic status and build relationships between them, offering suggestions and help in various ways. Our regular guests look forward to these dinners as a place for social interaction, and many of our seniors and those who live alone need these ‘dinner dates!’”

Free dinners are just a sliver of what NWS offers to those in need in the North Woods community.

Through the NWS Needs Ministry, a personal care pantry, NWS provides paper products, soap and free clothing. This led to the eventual creation of their benevolence ministry, IC HELP, which offers financial assistance to families through the use of spending journals or budgeting. There is also a 24-hour emergency line that can be contacted at 715-891-8966.

One of NWS’ newest additions is Esther’s House, a transitional home for moms and their children who may be fleeing dangerous situations, that opened this past summer.

“NWS believes it is better to teach a friend to fish than to give them a fish,” Zaugg explained. “We have found that our original goal to provide a meal has become secondary to providing hope and purpose. Everyone needs to see that he or she has a purpose and is of value. We believe that Jesus shows us the best way to really love others, and our faith provides a hope that then leads others to lives of purpose and responsibility.

“The people who need help already know about NWS; however, those who are independent and busy with other clubs or activities do not. The more we can share NWS’ mission to ‘share the love of Jesus in tangible ways’ with all different groups of people, the more we can involve different groups to strengthen the community and help one another. We are open to different ideas and we have a huge need here in this area. We need to be aware of how to help those in need!”

Upcoming dinners

NWS will be holding several dinners in February and March, with the next dinner being Tuesday, Feb. 4.

The meal will be sponsored and cooked by Three Lakes Evangelical Free Church, with a menu of chicken alfredo, salad, rolls, and a cookie for dessert. Appetizers will be served at 4:30 p.m. when doors open, followed by dinner being served at 5 p.m.

The other dinners will be held on Feb. 18, March 4, and March 18. More information about the menus will be available closer to those dates.

More information about NWS can be found by contacting or by visiting their website at

Northwoods Share, NWS, nonprofit, free dinners, community, Zaugg, Vilas Food Pantry, food distribution, Hinderman


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