Brandy Lake Convenience LLC to APG NWI LLC, lot 4 of plat CSM 5454 and lots 13-17 of plat 70 in Dennhardt’s Brandy Lake Plat, $345.
James C. Holperin and Kathleen M. Holperin to Andrew C. Holperin and Jennifer A. Jackl, lot 6 in block 1 of plat 400 in Plat of the Nenw, $900.
James Will Trust, Trustee James L. Will and Trustee Marilyn E. Will to Loon Storage Eagle River LLC, gov lot 5 in 3-39-10, $780.
Estate of Donald P. Stelling and Personal Representative Harley P. Stelling to Kelly S. Jackson-Golly, gov lot 2 in 33-41-5, $1,410.
Yeti’s Drive in LLC to Merrill Pine Ridge LLC, NW NW in 34-40-10, $720.
Jason Jenson and Kelly Jenson to 16 Pigs LLC, NW SW in 31-40-9, $555.
Windshore LLC to David K. Fein and Kerry J. Fein, gov lot 5 in 36-44-6, $2,295.
Belich Trust 03/16/17 and Trustee Joanne Belich to Tood M. Mosier and Laura L. Mosier, gov lot 3 and SW SE in 13-39-10, $960.
Joshua E. Jones and Ashley L. Jones to Jacob Stepp, NE NE and SE NE in 19-41-6, $69.
James A. and Christine M. Christenson Revocable Trust of 2007, Trustee James A. Christenson and Trustee Christine M. Christenson to Michael A. Garvin and Laura L. Garvin, SE NE in 29-40-4, $141.
Harold Meiners and Elaina Meiners to Aimee C. Pritzl, NW NW in 6-42-10, $420.
Rodrigues Joint Revocable Trust 01/30/06, Trustee David A. Rodrigues Sr., Trustee Sandra Rodrigues, Jeffrey A. Rodrigues and Michael A. Rodrigues to David A. Rodrigues Jr. gov lot 9 in 29-41-12, $910.20.
Bullseye Family Trust and Trustee Douglas K. Gunderson to Bullseye 2687 Trust, gov lots 6-7 in 2-40-9, $1,825.50.
Todd A. Sanborn to Daniel G. Sanborn and Elizabeth M. Vold, gov lot 4 and 11 in 13-40-10, and 13-40-10 of plat 673 in Omitted Lands, $270.
Jay M. Shifra to Linda L. Halada and Chance Halada, lots 7-9 of plat 404 in Lake Park Addn, $600.
Robbi L. Hurckes to Mike A. Kuzniewicz and Doreen F. Kuzniewicz, gov lots 1-2 in 28-40-8, and gov lot 2 in 29-40-8, $3,600.
Pieces of eight LLC to Sauey Family 1998 Trust and FBO Todd L. Sauey, lot 11 of plat 77 in Duner, $2,250.
James D. Ayers and Carole J. Ayers to Northern Secure Storage LLC, NW SW in 21-40-10, $1,650.
Craig Jackson and Melissa Jackson to Derrick McIntire, Patricia McIntire, Derrick Mc Intire and Patricia Mc Intire, NW SE in 22-40-8, $375.
Daniel Howard and Genise Howard to Michelle Howard, Adrienne Howard and Matthew Howard, lot 1 of plat CSM5878, and SE SW and gov lot 6 in 16-40-9, $102.90.
Mary Ann L. Debilzen Revocable Trust and Trustee Mary Ann L. Debilzen to Bell Inn Properties LLC, SE SW in 25-41-7, $135.
Pinnacle Vacation Rentals LLC to Thomas A. Klinkhammer, lot 2 of plat CSM5313 and gov lot 4 in 17-40-8, $5,400.
Adam Gohlke to Thomas Schlimm, lot 4 of plat CSM5841 and gov lots 2-3 in 8-42-9, $840.
Peter Keller and Gisela G. Keller to Albert Keller and Cynthia Keller, gov lot 5 in 16-40-9, $804.
Adam Gohlke to Thomas L. and Barbara A. Brochtrup, lot 3 of plat CSM5841, gov lot 2-3 in 8-42-9, and lot 5 of plat CSM5842, $2,055.
Adam Gohlke to Michelle Lonergan and Kenneth Lonergan, lot 1 of plat CSM5841 and gov lots 2-3 in 8-42-9, $900.
Adam Gohlke to Jeffrey L. Muellner Trust and Michelle I. Muellner Trust, lot 9 of plat CSM5843, and gov lot 2-4 in 8-42-9, $1,050.
Adam Gohlke to Paul and Kelly O’ Brien Family Trust, lot 7 of plat CSM5842, and gov lots 2-3 in 8-42-9, $1,200.
Timothy L. Johnson to Jenni L. Hanson, gov lot 4 in 36-40-9, $579.60.
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